Wonderful Weekend

Sunday, January 17, 2010
Words can't describe what a wonderful weekend this was. I didn't get called into work on Friday so I was able to get some errands done and do a little shopping for my vacation destination in four weeks.

While in the changeroom, I heard a woman sniffling and crying softly. I bet she was trying on swimsuits...

After I found what I wanted I returned home, did some cleaning and preparation for the arrival of my friend who comes from so far.

When my friend arrived, we had some lunch before setting out on a long walk through the nearby ritzy neighbourhood. It was such a nice day -- a mid-January thaw! We returned back to my place, I filled him in on some research I had been doing for him, then we went out for dinner at my favourite local restaurant. We met up again at the late Mass after I had nearly finished working and listened to the United minister preach during the pulpit exchange. After Mass, we returned home where we jointly made brunch (my omelet creation skills were somewhat lacking, it would seem, but his were divine!), then spent a little more time together before he had to make the long drive home. The hours we spend together always feel like minutes.


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