After Weekend Bliss

Monday, February 1, 2010
Back to reality. My newspaper horoscope this morning tells me that I should call in sick today. As much as I concur, I don't have the guts.

The weekend was lovely. I hopped a train home after work on Thursday, and had a delightful visit with my friend and her wee baby girl on Friday afternoon. I was amazed at how many changes had happened in the past 3 months since I last saw her: two new teeth, standing on her own, crawling forwards and not just backwards under the couch :), and eating a host of new foods. Very exciting and she's still got the best gummy smile around. My friends have exciting things on the horizon and it was so great to have a chance to visit before they head out of the area.

After the visit, I returned home and my H. came to meet my parents. He asked me a few days earlier if he should wear a tie, and I told him we were "not that type of people." I told my father about this, and he agreed, saying, "Yes, we're more pajamas type of people." Despite that, H. showed up in a suit, sans tie! He impressed everyone and we had a nice dinner with my folks at their "local" before enjoying a quiet viewing of "One Week" on our own.

On Saturday morning we had a lovely breakfast with the family - my father makes the best pancakes in the world, hands down - before heading back to my home. We went on the hunt for Chinese New Year's gifts for his parents and then headed back to my home to rest after a bit of a whirlwind weekend. (Apparently, oranges are not acceptable as gifts, but mushrooms are ... I learn something new every day!)

Sunday saw me at work bright and early. My kiddie choir debuted two real hymns at the Children's Mass and they did a great job, including my nervous little 11-year-old cantor who was just brilliant. After the final Mass I made a quick exit, walked home with H. and met my brother and sister-in-law for lunch at a nearby pub. They all got along very well, and H.'s introduction to my family was a success. After lunch, my brother drove him back to his car where we bid farewell again and he left to drive home. My brother, sister-in-law and I all went to a basketball game which was my gift to them for Christmas; the home team won, much to my brother's chagrin.

And now, it's Monday. And I have to go to work, though my mind is far away from here.


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