The Report

Thursday, February 4, 2010
There is actually nothing to report. The week went as planned, it was steady and I didn't have much chance to be bored, and things fell into place pretty well by the end of the week. I finished all of the handouts and lectures for my Vatican II course, I got most of the notes from our Disaster meeting into the Disaster Manual, and I realized it is time to start brainstorming for the Confirmation Retreat which is sneaking up on me.

I snuck out for a few minutes in the gorgeous, sunny and temperate weather we enjoyed this morning only to find a voicemail waiting calling me into work tomorrow. I had set my heart on visiting a friend and her beautiful daughters but alas, that will have to wait until next week instead as duty calls. On my walk to work I thought seriously about signing myself off the availability list but it occurred to me that if I did so, I was essentially signing myself out for the next 2 months since my own parish projects, my little vacation next week and a few other commitments in addition to the school's March Break schedule will prevent me from being called again until April. The money and experience help too much to turn it down for that span of time.


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