Marriage Prep

Saturday, March 13, 2010
For the past couple of days, I have been running our parish's Marriage Preparation weekend. As it was my second crack at running the show, things mercifully went much more smoothly than last year. This was due in large part to many great volunteers, several married couples who were willing to share their experiences, a wonderful, loving and strong man who helped me to get the site organized, and to my own unflagging persistence in dealing with the caterers who caused most of the problems last year. The only unforeseeable glitch was our NFP presenter who showed up 30 minutes late for her presentation, but the main couple in charge and I decided to do the closing exercises first, and somehow we finished almost an hour early (!). (No one was complaining...)

One of the couples shared a great story about their 3-year-old daughter. She was looking at the crucifix in the church and asked her mom, "Why is that man standing on the ledge?" Her mom replied, "That's Jesus when he died." The little girl was completely horrified and asked, "Baby Jesus DIES!?" Out of the mouths of babes...


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