
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I realize I've been a little quiet on the blog because things have been anything but quiet in my personal life. At work, this week has actually been fairly calm and I have had a lot of time to get ahead in some of my projects, especially because two late nights have seen me working in the office when there is no one else around to distract me. In the latter half of next month, things really pick up and there will be no time to think, let alone breathe, so I am enjoying this temporary downtime.

Personally, I've been distracted planning, shopping and preparing for an impending jaunt out of town in a couple of weeks, and anticipating the arrival of a friend tomorrow. I guess a bit of my distraction has appeared at work. Two weeks ago, on the custodian's day off, I forgot it was his day off and my job is to open and close the church. Good thing the boss noticed, embarrassing for me. On the weekend, I cleaned up and was whisked away by one of the kids and her dad so quickly, I forgot to lock the padlock on my storage cage. Good thing the boss noticed, embarrassing for me. No harm done, but I have to try to pay a little more attention, I think.


Andrea said...

I've been meaning to tell you: I've prayed that Novena 3 times since you posted it for some deeply important intentions. Like you I've always been skeptical of the sort of "mechanistic" quality these things often have. However, all three times it has "worked" - in the sense that on the fifth day, out of the blue, something to do with roses would come my way. I get prickles every time, and I can only assume that my prayers are been heard and that God will decide from there what is best.

workister said...

Really! That's amazing. I have always found that one, although it falls outside of my spiritual comfort zone, to be pretty amazing.

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