
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
I felt like a whirling dervish all day today. After some hard thinking yesterday afternoon following a disastrous visit to the sports doctor yesterday morning, I decided to make a late start at work and to visit my family doctor's replacement. Her name, I was glad to learn, wasn't actually "Dr. Sick," as it sounded on the phone. Pretty close, though.

She definitely put me at ease, which I needed. Despite my inclination to take the aircast off following six weeks of torture, she told me to hang in there and she would get me into a Fracture Clinic as soon as possible. She also did more X-rays; I'm convinced I glow in the dark following 14 X-rays in 3 months.

I was back at work by quarter after 10 and did not stop all day. A former classmate made a brief visit when the boss had to postpone their meeting. I worked on advertising for an upcoming Parish Mission and our major diocesan event, made notes for several meetings coming up this week, and had a quick lunch between phone calls and emails. We had a Pastoral Team meeting in the afternoon and I came out of there with about just over 300 things to do, which kept me hopping for the rest of the afternoon in between typing up the minutes and following up with various people whose names were raised in our meeting. Even at ten minutes after five, I was cursing at the computer because our national bishops' website wouldn't let me order some brochures I need within two weeks.

Hopefully tomorrow should be a bit lower key so I can make a dent in my ever-expanding To Do list.

Fortunately, despite the craziness, I have something to look forward to this weekend: the boy from the northeast is driving a total of nine hours to spend about the same amount of actual hours with me. I still can't wrap my head around what I have done to deserve someone like that in my life.


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