Holy, Week

Monday, March 29, 2010
My week got off to an interesting start when I arrived to work this morning, at the beginning of a 12-hour day, and saw the first message in my inbox was entitled, "Bad news". The MC for Triduum backed out leaving my servers and I in the lurch. I suggested to the pastor that I could be the MC, but apparently you have to have male body parts for that role. So, the pastor indicated he would handle most of it, but I could stand in the sacristy off to the sides and whisper things at the kids who are serving. Gee, thanks.

Also today, I taught 60 children how to do the Stations of the Cross, I fielded a question from a reporter at the major local newspaper, I did some planning ahead for our altar servers and my Vatican II course, and I prepared RCIA certificates for six adults. I also verified the validity of a Baptist baptism, and resolved two unfortunate situations surrounding our First Reconciliation celebration tomorrow night. At the end of the day, I found myself with very few children to tutor and on the way home, realized with some sadness that I didn't do the one thing on my list today: to go to the hardware store.

To top it all off, the Triduum looks like it will be blistering hot, and with over 1000 people crammed into an inadequately small space, Good Friday in particular could be rather unpleasant.

Holy, Week.


Teresa B. said...

I am so glad our choir sings at Good Friday. That means we sit to the side of the sanctuary. A bit more air circulation up at the front.

Since our pastor used to be The MC for both the Cardinal and the early tenure of ABCollins - he trained a man from the parish everything and this man only MC's at major events.
So he knows he is on the job each year now for the Triduim and other special masses.

workister said...

I tried to pitch once again that I could be the MC but it fell on deaf ears yesterday. :(

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