Triduum Schedule

Tuesday, March 2, 2010
At our last pastoral team meeting, I pitched the idea of placing a colourful schedule of Holy Week liturgies into our bulletin so people can keep it for easy reference. When I finally won the others over with the idea, I said I would order the bulletin covers and would do a mock-up which they could edit.

All day Thursday I procrastinated about what to say in the inside cover, where typically, a priest writes something uplifting and informative about the celebration. I couldn't think of one single holy-sounding thing to say, so finally, 15 minutes before I was to leave for a meeting, I gave up and scribbled something down about how the Triduum works (liturgically it is one long liturgy with no dismissal rites) and wished everybody a happy and holy Easter at the end. I stuck a Post-it note on it: "I'm sure you can write something better than this - just a sample. Feedback, please."

Yesterday afternoon I discovered it had made its way back to my desk with a couple of grammatical changes, but no changes whatsoever to the content. Ironically, it seems the only one who has anything remotely holy to say around here is the laywoman. That's either a huge compliment to my liturgical knowledge, or a sad statement on the lack of spiritual inspiration emanating from all of us...


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