Welcome to March

Monday, March 1, 2010
In my workistry, I have lulls and spurts of activity over the course of the year. In sharp contrast to the "semi-retirement" I have in the summer, I'm now heading into what surely is one of the two busiest periods in the entire year for me. This week we are hosting a huge diocesan event, and I will be spending time getting all of the last minute details arranged before the big night.

Yesterday I was fortunate to have a little slave-boy seeking community service hours come and help me out in a huge way (don't worry -- I ensured he was well fed and even received a round of applause for his efforts from some 80 parents gathered as he kept their children under control for half an hour). He folded about 600 of my 1000 sheets for the diocesan event, but I still have some 400 to go over the next couple of days. I'm also managing the final details for our marriage prep next week, dealing with caterers, missing cheques, arranging keys for various venues, ordering equipment, and the list goes on. After this spurt of activity ends in two weeks, I will have a short lull before the next burst of activity, our sacraments of First Communion and all that comes with Confirmation beginning towards the latter half of April into May.

I would get bored if it weren't for the little spurts of activity, but I am awfully glad for a break when they're done.


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