Lowest Gal

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
It occurred to me this afternoon that I need a promotion so I'm not the lowest gal on the totem pole anymore. I want someone to whom I can delegate the things I don't want to do, like the boss keeps doing to me, but alas, I keep checking and there's no one else there to dump on.


I did three baptism intakes today and had a pastoral team meeting where I picked up several more little tasks to do, in addition to the big jobs I received last week. I also did some work on the Triduum -- yes, it seems I went to sleep one day and suddenly it was Lent -- and finished my Disaster project. There were lots of other little tasks peppered throughout the day: proofreading the bulletin, ordering palms for Passion Sunday, returning phone calls, and so on. And I'm not done yet, unfortunately -- I have to go back tonight and tomorrow night for a parish project too.


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