Interesting Couple of Days

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It has been an interesting couple of days in the old workistry.

We had a collection container for the youth ministry programming stolen right from the secretary's desk this week. The thief stole the plastic collection container, ripped it open, threw the pennies on the ground and kept the rest. I had told the boss we shouldn't put it there but he refused to listen to me, so my group has now been victimized twice in the past two months.

Today was my birthday. The caretaker was the first to come in, give me a big hug and say, "You're the only one who is nice to me." Aww. I was surprised by a huge arrangement of roses and a balloon from my beau, and the cook cut a couple of roses from the garden and put them on my desk.

I made cupcakes for a lunch we were supposed to have - I felt like a grade 1 student bringing cupcakes to my birthday party! The boss, however, ruined the lunch by failing to take his scheduled day off, so I put the cupcakes in the kitchen for the others to enjoy. When I went to get one after my lunch break, he asked me, "What are you doing for your birthday?" I said I had already celebrated on the weekend with my family, so I had no plans for the evening, but, I added, "I'll take a cupcake, though." He said, "Oh, go ahead," like he was giving me permission, and I pointed out, "I made them, so yes, I will, thanks!" He apologized, thinking the cook had made them. Oh well.

Later in the day, a visiting priest tried to take a resident priest's bedroom when he arrived for a week-long stay. The poor cleaner was ready to pull out her hair.

At the end of the day the cook and I laughed as we noticed the homophobic priest coming in with a huge rainbow umbrella.

And that's just a small glimpse of why it has been an interesting couple of days...


Andrea said...

I LOVE the last one:) That's hysterical! And the word thingy says "Preedi". Preedi, indeed!

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