During the visit, I explained what Ash Wednesday is, I talked about Lent and Easter and offered to answer questions. One child asked if it would hurt their heads, and another asked what the ashes were made of; I was impressed by their questions. Finally, one little girl put up her hand when I asked if there were any more questions and she said, "You're so beautiful." I laughed and another girl put up her hand and added, "I love your necklace!" Seeing question period was over, I got to ashing their foreheads and their teacher stood by with a mirror so they could see the results. They were so amazed; seeing their little faces was so much fun.
Coming back after my mini-vacation, I had a steady stream of phone messages to answer, emails to tackle, and things to organize for youth group, baptism and marriage prep, and a variety of other little jobs to take care of. Despite working 9 hours straight, the day flew by and now I'm home to recuperate and to try to get the ash stains off my thumb...
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