Stop and Go

Sunday, May 2, 2010
Today was my first Sunday shift since last September where I wasn't incredibly busy every second of the day. I came in, opened the place up, answered some emails, and then... wow. Nothing to set up, nothing to rush off to teach, no one to corner, nothing. It felt very strange and very nice at the same time. I am sure the novelty will wear off.

I did have a youth group meeting after lunch. Our topic was a last-minute "Earth Day" theme after our guest speaker unfortunately had to back out. I asked the kids in a trivia game lots of facts about rainforests, how long things take to decompose, and a few religious questions like who the patron saint of ecology is (St. Francis of Assisi) and name a parable Jesus told featuring something in nature. My youngest group member, who is the smallest and yet amazingly the loudest, burst out with, "The time when Jesus turned the fish into bread!" I laughed out loud... I think if I were one of the 4000 or 5000, I would have had to pass on that miracle. "Jesus, there's something fishy about this bread..."


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